
Welcome to Web Speeding Solutions

We are your number one source to get your business online as well any in-house functional application. We're a team of professionals dedicated to give you the very best Web Solutions while being affortable. Our goal is to improve your business presence and increase your marketing strategies. We offer high quality products to our clients including but not limited to professional web design, corporate identity, web advertising, web marketing, graphic design services, and custom software. We provide all you need to own a successful website and/or run a business to success. We offer custom design, web hosting, email services and more for an affordable price. We are very competitive with our prices and guarantee our clients satisfaction.

We hope you give us the opportunity to earn your business. We enjoy working with new and old clients in developing a product that will meet their unique business needs. If you have any questions or comments, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Keep in mind that for Web Speeding Solutions, a referral is the highest compliment you can give any of us. Thank you for the opportunity.
Osniel Hernandez, CEO.

Meet the Team

Meet with our wonderful and professional team.

Osniel Hernández

A Software Engineer/Architect with over 8 year of experience in different fields of Software development process. Responsible and committed, with a get-it-done, on-time spirit.

Daniel Hernandez

Software/Engineer with over 8 years of experience in different fields of Software development process who is in love with his profession. Excellent team player and individual likes to have initiative and can work individual or in team. Fast learner and always “Everything can be done” aptitude. Smart with a great humor sense.

Osiel Valdes

He is a fast learner developer always eager of new technologies and best practices to achieve the best posible results. Excelent team player and essential key of the team applications. What we love about him……”We can achieve the impossible” aptitude.

How we work?

  • Analysis
  • Design
  • Development
  • Testing
  • Publish

Once you contact Web Speeding to design or redesign a website we will send you a checklist to fill out and start the process. Then we will set up and initial two three hours meeting to understand your requirements and propose the first solution approach. Once we analyze and understand your business and requirements we will move to the next step: Design

During the design phase we will go page by page creating a mockup to choose where you want your content to be. Let's say I want an image gallery on my home page and my phone in the header and the footer. You are the client but you are not always right so we will recommend you what we think is the best and then we will go with your final decision. Once we agree in the design mockups you now have an idea of how your baby website is gonna look like, and we will move forward to the next step: Development

In the development phase we will make your dream you reality and we will keep you posted on it. We have for our clients a quality assurance environment ready to keep you posted of what's going on with your website, how your design is coming to reality, that way you can be checking and can tell what you like and what you want to change. Using this approach there are no surprises at the end when we move to the next step: Testing

You will be our principal quality assurance guy. You will test your new website page by page and function by function accessing your application hosted in our quality assurance server. You will write down all what you think is not working properly and we will change it for you. Once you think your site is ready to go live to the real world, we will go to the next phase: Publish

About this phase you don't have to be even worry about because we will do all the work. Here we publish your new website in your hosting if you have one, if not, no worries we provide you with professional hosting services at a real affordable price. After your site is deployed we will make the magic with our webmaster tools so your site goes to the top of the searches in Google, and as we said before, now you are part of a new group: Web Speeding Happy clients.